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You're too shy shy, hush hush eye to eye.

Of course you can wear wide leg pants even though you are 5ft2, and with sneakers. It is only a matter of confidence, if you feel good in what you are wearing then it will look good.

I love wide leg pants, I got mine in Zara and it feels really comfortable and you can eather wear it with sneakers like I did, or twist it with a pair of heels and a classier top for a night out.

being small is not easy as you see all the beauty standards in the magazines and of course you feel like you are not what they call pretty. You are soooooo wrong, beauty is everywhere if you just pay attention. I like the fact that in the fashion industry they are trying to diversify models from plus size (if you can call them that),asian girls, black girls, Latinas etc... But what about short girls ??? They are nowhere. And the true part is that we are not a minority, and I don't know why we don't see more petite girls rocking the fashion industry. As I grew up trying to accept it, it was a huge challenge. Being petite and shy is no help when the world overwhelms you. but eventually this insecurities fade away to make way for kindness and understanding.

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